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PROMINENT Newsletter – November 2015

You receive this newsletter to inform you about the PROMINENT project.

Prominent newsletter, nr.2

On May 1st this year, project PROMINENT started. For this multiannual research and implementation program for inland shipping, seventeen parties from five European countries collaborate to green the inland shipping industry. Initial results have already been achieved within the different fields of work (WP’s). In this newsletter you will find more information about the project.



WP 1 – State of play 
The identification of the fleet composition of the European Union, representative journeys and the respective operational profiles of the vessels is an important starting-point for the further research to be carried out in PROMINENT. 

A macro model of the EU fleet was created by combining several databases and cross-checking the data. This model comprises 12,263 vessels, and it provides insights into the EU fleet composition with respect to the number and share of vessels assigned to different fleet families. 

The share of the different vessel classes regarding their tonne-kilometre performance and the fuel consumption was assessed, too. Based on the analysis of existing research and innovation projects the best available technologies and concepts to raise energy efficiency and lower emissions in European inland navigation were identified and assessed. 


WP 2 – Advanced concepts for mass introduction
Within WP1 a shortlist was presented of the best available technologies and concepts to achieve this. Two of these concepts are after-treatment technology (selective catalytic reduction and particulate filters) and energy efficient navigation. The former focussing on the reduction of air pollutant emissions and the latter focussing on reduction of fuel consumption and sequentially resulting in reduction of air pollutant emissions. At this moment the preparations of the upcoming demonstrations of these technologies are well under way. Based upon information on the fleet families, representative journeys and operational profiles, the costs and benefits of both concepts will be analysed.


WP 3 – Certification and monitoring
Besides developing testing procedures for certification and monitoring of stringent emission limits, this work package will also develop an IT framework for an inland waterway monitoring database. This will consist of data such as the (static) technical characteristics of vessels and the emission performance based on the continuous on-board monitoring.


WP 4 – Digital education tools
The development of E-learning modules will focus on three E-learning modules: Vessel Stability, Energy and cost-efficient navigation and handling of (alternative) fuel and cargo, especially dangerous goods. At this moment, the plan of approach of the development and an overview of available content has been made. The general structure of the modules is described. 


WP 5 – Real-life Pilot Deployment
This WP focusses on five dedicated areas amongst which monitoring exhaust gas emissions, LNG and energy efficient navigation. Project partners are aiming to identify synergies between different tasks, as for example using the foreseen pilot vessels for energy efficient navigation to monitor exhaust gas emissions. Project partner NAVROM has started an official selection and contracting process to purchase the pilot equipment to be installed on ten pushers. This equipment will provide valuable measurement data for a consolidated database that will be the central point for providing beneficial supportive information for skippers, vessel operators and waterway administrations.


WP 6 Roll-Out Plan 
As a first action in the Roll-Out work package the methodology and templates have been provided concerning the review of the pilots. The templates present a list of characteristics and parameters for which information and values need to be provided before the pliot starts, during the pilot and after the pilot execution. In the approach for the pilot reviews and the cost-benefit analyses, the work carried out in WP 1 is fully incorporated.



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