Project structure The Project will be executed in a Work Packages structure which consists of seven interrelated WP’s.
State-of-PlayThis WP will identify and select the best available greening technologies & concepts. Barriers and facilitating factors to uptake of these technologies and concepts will be identified as a basis for developing appropriate countermeasures. WP1 will lay the foundation to execute the activities in WP2-5. Click to read more about WP 1.
Advanced Concepts for Mass Introduction
This WP will develop standardized solutions and concepts for promising technologies in order to enable their further mass implementation. Furthermore, WP2 will prepare and specify the pilot projects on alternative energy concepts and energy efficient navigation. Click to read more about WP 2.
Certification, Monitoring and Enforcement
WP3 will evaluate options for certification procedures for new engines and retrofit solutions for vessel operators to comply with stricter emission limits. Furthermore, WP3 will prepare and specify the pilot on new certification/monitoring regimes as carried out in WP5. Click to read more about WP 3.
Digital education tools
WP4 will assess the use of ship-handling simulators for education, training and examination purposes and develop digital tools for cargo handling, ship stability and energy efficient navigation. In addition, prototypes of e-SRB (Service Record Book) and e-Logbook as well as on on digital education tools will be developed for testing in WP5 and assessed. Click to read more about WP 4.
Real-life Pilot Deployment
In order to assess the real-life implementation of LNG fuelled vessels, retrofit of diesel aftertreatment, energyefficient navigation and digital education tools as well as innovative monitoring systems for emissions and operational profiles, WP5 (real-life pilot deployment) will execute and technologically evaluate the pilot deployments in these areas. The results are fed back in WP2, 3, 4 and 6 for further elaboration of the technologies and the roll-out plan. Click to read more about WP 5.
The outcomes of WP5 will feed the activities of WP6, where the pilots and results of WPs 2 to 4 will be reviewed and assessed from a broader perspective. This will result in a key user buy-in plan as well as policy recommendations and a draft implementation roadmap in order to ensure and the support the mass implementation of alternative technologies and concepts. Click to read more about WP 6.
Project Management
A strong project management, with representatives of each of the WP leaders, will be responsible for the overall technical coordination of the project, the liaison with the European Commission, project controlling as well as the dissemination of results.