WP2 Advanced concepts for mass introduction

One of the main objectives of the PROMINENT project is to support a massive introduction of a range of alternative energy concepts and technologies. This could be achieved by the further development of standardisation and modularisation of the most promising greening technologies and concepts. Within the PROMINENT project the aim is to make these technologies and concepts available for 70% of the inland fleet and simultaneously reducing the costs of applying them with 30%. The main focus of the work performed in WP2 is on this development for four of the most promising concepts and technologies:

 LNG as alternative fuel

The use of LNG as a fuel is regarded as a main alternative for the regular gasoil engines. The research performed on LNG within this work package will contribute to more standardisation and modularisation. This will focus on the determination of the right configurations of amongst others LNG tank size, tank connection space, bunkering requirements and control and monitoring system. The work performed will lead to a standard program with a selection key for the different fleet families and will also address a cost and benefit analysis of LNG concepts. To test this in a real-life situation there will pilot project specified to equip an inland vessel with an LNG configuration.

After-treatment by the use of SCR catalysts and diesel particulate filters is an effective way of reducing air pollutant emissions, respectively NOx and PM. Also for these applications is further standardisation needed to come to a mass implementation of after-treatment. This will be done by developing validated packages that can house either an SCR catalyst package or an SCR on DPF package. Considered within this development are several conditions, such as a minimum of 90% reduction for both air pollutant emissions, reducing noise, possible to fit in existing engine rooms and all the limitations set by the variety of diesel engines. This will lead to specification for a pilot performed with the application of after-treatment and also a business case cost model in order to assess the commercial viability.

Next to all the engine room solutions there is also a reduction of fuel consumption and emissions to achieve by navigating in a more energy-efficient way. With the development of an energy-efficient navigation system it is pursued to provide skippers with a helpful tool to sail more efficient. This concept will also be tested in a pilot and defining the settings of this will address issues, like e.g. the user requirements, necessary system parameters and available data for model calibration. Also the cost-effectiveness of this concept will be analysed and this will give input for more detailed business models.

Right-sizing and hybrid concepts

Right-sizing of engines and the application of hybrid concepts are both concepts that can result in more efficient sailing, resulting in reduction of fuel consumption. The potential of both concepts is highly related to the operational profile of an inland vessel, the distribution of power usage. For this, knowledge can be derived from additional mathematical modelling and simulations. To elaborate this, there will be a tool box developed such that for most of the ship categories and operational profile different driveline configurations can and will be compared. This will result in a definition of right engine sizing standards and the development of standardised hybrid concepts. For both cost/benefit analysis will be performed.


For additional information, please contact:

Bas Kelderman
Stichting Projecten Binnenvaart
Tel: +31 107989830