WP3 Certification, Monitoring and Enforcement

Assessment of certification procedures & Assessment of options for monitoring and enforcement
Ex-ante cost benefit analysis of systems for certification, monitoring and enforcement


New stringent emission limits require the drastic reduction (80 to 95%) of harmful emissions of NOx and PM. Due to the special characteristics of vessels (long engine lifetime, small series, greater variety of technical configurations) also retrofit after-treatment solutions, or solutions where new engines and after-treatment systems are purchased separately are necessary. For these options economical and effective certification procedures are needed.

The focus of the work package certification and monitoring, is to develop and test well-designed procedures for certification and monitoring of stringent emission limits in the near future for a range of different vessel types, operating profiles and type of situations (new engine, engine overhaul, retrofit). This includes certification, (real life) verification, portable measurements on the spot and continuous on-board monitoring. The options for collection of on-board monitoring results in a central database will be investigated, both for enforcement of air pollutant emissions (NOx, PM) as well as to create an incentive for the ship owner to benchmark and demonstrate the performance with respect to CO2 emissions. For this latter purpose, on-board monitoring data will be combined with open-source data such as AIS and waterway characteristics.

During the technical research and development, the views and opinions of stakeholders will be taken into account.
The costs of test procedures and on-board monitoring systems play an important role during the definition and evaluation of technical options. Costs will periodically be determined and reported to the work package Policy Recommendations and Roll-Out.

For additional information, please contact:

Gerrit Kadijk
Tel : +31 (0)88 866 84 87