University of Craiova
The University of Craiova was founded within the university center system in Romania in the second half of the 20th century, being, chronologically, the fifth university in the country, following the ones in Iasi, Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca and Timisoara. University of Craiova is an academic institution oriented to education and research activities where a lot of specialists work in different fields of interest as Engineering, Inland Navigation, Environment Protection. UCV cooperates with international and national institutions, local government agencies, SMEs. The international recognition is proved by the various partnerships established between University of Craiova and other institutes and universities from Romania and Europe, this framework have allowed to our specialists to perform fundamental and applied researches in projects funded by the Romanian Government and European Commision.
The expertise in international projects is proved by the participation in more then 150 projects since 2004 in various Programmes such as LEONARDO DA VINCI, SOCRATES, ALPINE, MSU–AUF, RISU–AUF, PECO, FP6, FP7 or SEE. The experience gained by University of Craiova member team in previously and ongoing projects related to environment and inland navigation as well as in advanced materials and technologies allow them to develop a further successful cooperation on the topic of this project proposal.