The Netherlands
By means of its programme office Expertise and Innovation Centre Barging (EICB), Stichting Projecten Binnenvaart (SPB) actively promotes the uptake of innovation by the inland waterway transport sector. It thereby aims to further improve the sector’s capacity to innovate in general as well as realise the full sustainability potential of the IWT sector with regards to greening the existing fleet more specifically.
Within its flagship project Innovation Lab, EICB identifies and addresses barriers to market transfer of greening innovations. Supervised by EICB consultants, technological solution providers, regulatory bodies and market parties develop smart solutions in order to speed up the process of market readiness for technological developments with regards to greening the existing fleet.
EICB recently launched the world’s first inland waterways CO2-calculator ‘Econaut’ for iOS and Android and the e-learning course on Smart Steaming.
EICB collects and provides knowledge to ship owners considering LNG, GTL, after treatment, hybrid propulsion and other energy efficiency and emission reduction technologies. Also, EICB builds and maintains (European) databases consisting of operational sailing profiles related to cost/benefit implications for potential application of alternative greening technologies.